A culture of collaboration and commitment

100% Employee-owned

Benning began as a family owned business, and even as we grew, we never lost that tight-knit culture of camaraderie, where everyone has each others’ backs.

Transitioning to an employee-owned model made perfect sense, allowing the family who built Benning’s legacy to leave the company not just in good hands, but in the very best hands—the hands that helped make Benning who we are today.



When we say, “we own our work”, it’s not just lip service. In the field and in our hallways, it’s plain to see that Benning belongs to all of us. And that pride of ownership is what drives us to work harder and smarter as a team.

Benning Construction was invited by Certified EO to share solutions on how we build employee engagement in a distributed workforce.

A rising tide lifts all boats. And when Benning prospers, we want all employees to reap the rewards.

ESOP Employee Spotlight – Lisa Williams

Accounts Payable Manager at Benning since 2003 & 100% Vested

“As an owner, we gain retirement benefits, feel a sense of job security, and feel more engaged and committed to our company’s success.  Everyone on our team has something to gain from a job well done, which means our coworkers are working hard for the company, themselves, and me.”

ESOP Employee Spotlight – Clinton Wolff

Superintendent with Benning since 2017 & 60% Vested

“I like early fall morning walks on the job site with safety in the air…the smell of moving dirt lets me know work is being completed.” 

ESOP Employee Spotlight – Mike House

Grocery Remodel Superintendent since 2017 & 60% Vested

“Working for an employee-owned company has given me the opportunity to grow and gain personal mentorship from a really great team.  The benefits are greater with ESOP.”

Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion and Diversity

In order to build the cornerstones of community, your team must reflect the communities those cornerstones are built for. At Benning, we want our people to reflect the places in which we live, work, and build, inclusive of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, backgrounds, and experiences.

It’s what makes our work meaningful.

When we recruit, we cast a wide net of opportunity, reaching out to local high schools, universities, and organizations that have a diverse mix of talent. Then we focus on retention, cultivating a safe and supportive environment for all.

We have zero tolerance for bullies and bad actors in the workplace or on the job site, and our leadership’s doors are always open should any employee need to share a concern.

The bottom line is this: we need Benning to be a great place to work–not just for some, but for everyone–so we can continue to grow and build on our legacy.

Meet Our Team

Our Values

We do what’s right.

By our clients.
By our company.
And by each other.

We own our work.

We bring our best. We don’t blame. We believe “the buck stops here.” Because Benning belongs to all of us.

We build each other up.

We root each other on.
We celebrate success.
Everyone is a partner.

Benning culture is safety culture

Benning culture is safety culture

Under the leadership of a full-time dedicated safety professional, all Benning employees, from the President to the newest trade worker, are trained in nearly a dozen safety topics. Further, all Project Managers and Superintendents have OSHA 10/30-Hour and First-Aid/CPR certifications in addition to task specific certifications. To learn more about our safety practices and protocols, visit our safety page.

Safety Information
Safety focus
  • General Safety
  • Occupational Health
  • PPE and LSE
  • Signs, Signals & Barricades
  • Material Handling
  • Tools & Equipment
  • Confined Spaces

Building communities means giving back.

The work we do allows us to become a part of growing communities throughout the Southeastern United States. We believe it’s not enough to just be a good neighbor. We have a responsibility as a leader in our industry to provide manpower, expertise and philanthropic gifts that leave a positive impact wherever we work. With that in mind, our focus is on growing local economies and championing education in our industry, to continue our legacy of building.

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